Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Get it?  Soup??  Bowl???  I am awesome!

A couple of months ago, BF found out that I hadn't seen the Super Bowl in about two decades.  He was utterly scandalized.  As a result, I am hosting a Super Bowl party for a great number of friends.

[BTW, I always know what SuperBowl # it's going to be, because it's always the age I am about to reach in March.]


I was thinking about what to serve and it just came to me:  BOWLS of SOUP!

Am I brilliant or what?

I'll definitely be serving the Broccoli and Stilton soup from Nigella Express.  Very easy, very quick, very tasty.

[recipe here]
Ghostlycast #29
Thanks to delicious:days for your most awesome tunes list!

1 comment:

  1. I live in a house of testosterone. When I gave birth to my youngest son, my husband had to make sure I was home to host the super bowl party LOL!

    the menu usually consists of gastrointestinal spicy foods. Must be a guy thing, on who can ingest the hottest item.
